Archive | March, 2022

Harjit: My Yoga Journey

Published March 29, 2022

It is safe to say that life can be stressful at the best of times. Our social life, work life, physical and mental health, are just some of the big factors in determining our outlook on life whether that be positive or negative.  Unfortunately, there are also many things we cannot control that can have – and had – a huge impact on us. Over the last few years alone there have been several life-changing real world events one after another, which we’re still recovering from. However, there have been a few positives that have come from these hardships we […]

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Remembering My Mum, Alison Dukes

Published March 14, 2022

Hi guys… it’s safe to say it’s been a long time since I last wrote a blog so I might be a bit rusty. My sharp wit and cutting satire will be even worse than usual, I’m sorry. In light of this fact, I’ve taken the tough decision to not make any such observations or ribs.  Well, thank God then that nothing has happened in the world of any consequence that could shape the future of the world for decades to come…am I right? But unfortunately, I have a better reason – rather selfishly maybe- then the possible start of […]

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