PACE Celebrates 2022
The PACE family, Members, Volunteers and Team Leaders, came together to celebrate PACE’s achievements for the year and look forward to what’s ahead in 2023.
Team Leader, Harjit started proceedings with a 20-minute chair yoga routine followed by PACE Head Coach, Sunil, announcing the sporting awards achieved this year. Highlights included Reshad winning his first-ever international medal with Team GB and the Adult Sports Person of the Year at the Ealing Sports Awards. Alex, PACE A Captain, made his return to individual competition this year by competing in Boccia England ‘Back to Boccia’ friendly competitions and winning Gold! To top it all off, the PACE A Boccia squad finished off 2022 by claiming two gold medals on the last two competition days of the previous season.
The PACE A Boccia Team were then challenged to a two-end game of boccia by two teams, The PACE Trustees and The PACE Team Leaders. First up was the team of trustees: Krishna (c) Barbara and Evi. They started well scoring a point in the first end. The PACE A team of Alex (c), Reshad and Habib didn’t let this faze them and their experience paid dividends scoring 3 points and winning the game 3-1.
Next up to try their hand at toppling PACE A was the Team Leaders: Saad (c), Amrit, and Sonia. The team leaders were watching and analysing the first game so they were confident going into the match. To their detriment, however, PACE A continued the momentum from the first game and won 6-0. It was great for PACE A to showcase their skills to the rest of the PACE group and to Hugo, a representative of the Rotary Club of Kingsbury and Kenton.
The party finished off with light refreshments and a big thank you to everyone who helped throughout the year.
The New Year will see the return of PACE sessions on the second Saturday of the month. The PACE Boccia sessions will continue every first and third Saturday. PACE will also be continuing their online sessions, PACE Pals and PACE your Body.
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year…..see you all in 2023!
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